a woman sitting in a chair during a new patient intake session for acupuncture

Whole-Body Wellness Redefined

Imagine a medical system that is completely comprehensive and addresses every aspect of your wellness, not just parts of it, all in one neat package. That is the whole point of “holistic” medicine, but in today’s medical system, so much of this gets lost in translation, and there are so many gimmicks out there, it is hard to know what systems are worth your investment. While there is absolutely merit in seeing a specialist for specific health conditions, imagine the impact of one modality of treatment that improves everything across the board in a way that is streamlined and well organized.

What is Auricular MEdicine?

Auricular Medicine has been around since the 50’s, pioneered by a French doctor named Paul Nogier. Nogier was an osteopath seventy years ago who laid much of the foundation we use today for this fascinating medicine. Dr. Molly learned aspects of Auricular Therapy (acupuncture treatment in the ear) while in acupuncture school back in 2009-2013, but she took a deep dive in Auricular Medicine which goes far beyond acupuncture, with Dr. Soliman, the M.D. who invented the SAAT technique, later in her career. Witnessing the potential of SAAT and Auricular Medicine first hand, she has dedicated a lot of her current studies and practice to these modalities, investing in the supplies needed to deliver the greatest results to her patients.

The bulk of the cost of your Auricular Medicine appointments will go towards the homeopathic sprays you will take. These sprays were primarily created by Dr. Soliman himself over the course of his career and are of the highest quality. Homeopathy is not herbalism, rather it deals with the science of resonance, or vibration. Each spray is crafted to have the ideal resonance to safely course specific toxins out of the body. Homeopathy is safe, effective and works quickly.

Auricular Medicine FAQ

AM can address just about anything that ails you, but not individually. This is to say, it is fundamentally integrative and takes the approach of addressing all of your body’s issues together, particularly root-causes, in order to get to the foundation of the issues causing bothersome symptoms for you. A lot of patients will resort to Auricular Medicine to treat ailments they have not been able to identify a diagnosis for. As this is a comprehensive diagnostic system, we are able to effectively identify which homeopathic sprays will restore your body to a state of homeostasis.

Some common issues we use AM for include but are not limited to:

  • Lyme disease and other tick-born illnesses
  • Hormonal irregularities
  • Insomnia
  • Complex skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, eczema and hydrodenitis
  • Thyroid issues both hypoactive and hyperactive
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Allergies and food intolerances (yes, even gluten allergy due to Celiac’s)
  • Gut health including bacterial balance
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Pain
  • Complex neurological disorders
  • Complimentary cancer care
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
  • Metal Toxicities

When you come for your first AM appointment, you will have a quick discussion with Dr. Molly about your health goals and concerns. At the first appointment, she will use Auricular Medicine to conduct an evaluation where we will determine which issues are potentially blocking your immune system from functioning optimally. She will assess you for a disorder called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) which is a sensitivity to one’s own histamine that causes a lot of inflammation. She will assess your body for its ability to absorb trace minerals, and she will assess how deeply all of these issues are affecting you personally. If you are a woman who is menstruating, she will additionally assess you for a sensitivity to estrogen and progesterone.

If you test positive for MCAS or for sensitivity/allergy to estrogen, Dr. Molly will conduct a small SAAT series on you which consists of very tiny needles being placed in a very specific spot in your right ear. You can read more about SAAT here. You will need to wear your SAAT needles for 3-4 weeks, so please do plan accordingly! We highly recommend you read our page on the SAAT treatment, as this may be a necessary component to your Auricular Medicine journey. Many patients who receive AM do not need the SAAT portion, but we won’t know for sure until your evaluation. If it is determined you need SAAT but you are not ready to do it that day, we can complete the SAAT portion at a later time.

You will be sent home with your first series of homeopathic sprays which you will take for two months before returning for your reevaluation.

At your second Auricular Medicine appointment 8 weeks later, we reassess to ensure your immunological blockages were sufficiently cleared with your first round of sprays. Next we assess the functionality of your thyroid followed by an assessment of your gut health where we will investigate the need to clear various latent viruses, bacteria, parasites and mold from the body. Additionally, we will begin to answer specific questions you have about the state of your health, for example, “what is the cause of the patient’s eczema,” and, “is the patient’s arthritis due to a virus or is it genetic?” There are few limits to what a skilled practitioner of Auricular Medicine can find out about their patients’ health. 

After the first appointment, most patients notice some general changes that include things like less brain fog, stronger immune system, greater energy, and improved sleep. These changes are pretty generalized though, as we are not targeting your specific concerns, rather we are targeting general immune system functionality that most people need to have addressed. This first appointment is a necessary primer for the next appointment where we go much deeper into your specific concerns.

After the second appointment since we are targeting more specific-to-you concerns, we hope you notice improvement in many areas including your skin, your energy and sense of vitality, digestion, immune system, aches and pains, nervous system, sleep, menstrual cycle, and more. Patients have reported improvements in the quality of their hair and nails, decrease in chronic bacterial infections and more.

AM is extremely safe, yet many people experience what is called a Herkes Reaction, or a “healing crisis.” Dr. Molly likens this to the analogy that if you drive through a bad neighborhood, you have to drive back through it in order to get out. As you live your life and are exposed to a variety of toxins, they are deposited in various places in your body. In order to get rid of these deposits, your body has to work them back out. Common side effects that do not last typically longer than a few days to a week, are insomnia, skin breakouts or other skin issues, headaches and migraines, nausea and flareups of arthritis. While this may sound pretty terrible, we consistently see that these flare ups do not last and that on the other side is profound and lasting relief!

Since Auricular Medicine only requires two appointments spaced out by two months and has such great benefits, we are happy to work with patients who are not close to Annapolis if you can get to us. You do not need to be a current acupuncture patient to see Dr. Molly for Auricular Medicine or SAAT, and we will help you book and map out your appointments in advance so that you can plan for travel if needed.

The majority of the investment towards Auricular Medicine is made in the first two appointments. A one hour AM appointment which you should expect at your first and second appointments is $200 and followups of your 3rd appointment onward can be 30 minutes for $150 or 1 hour for $200. At phases 1 and 2 of Auricular Medicine, you are likely to go home with a series of homeopathic sprays that will address specific needs your body shows at the evaluations of these appointments. Most of these sprays cost $60 and there are a small selection of sprays that are $75-100.

While we understand the inclination to pick and choose your homeopathic sprays in order to bring the cost down, we recommend you save up for your appointment before committing and purchase everything that is recommended, as this is how the treatment works most effectively; by addressing every aspect of your immune system and overall wellness, we are able to decrease inflammation systemically which is how symptoms are cleared and vitality is restored. 

In the first 6 months of treatment, most patients spend $3,000 to $5,000; this is an estimate, but it includes the cost of appointments, the cost of sprays at each appointment, and the cost of replenishing each set of sprays one time. You will take new sprays three times a day initially, but those sprays you do not stop taking, you will work your way down to one dose per week, and a new bottle of spray opened and taken once per week should last you roughly four years. 

After the initial four months where we most aggressively address patient issues, patients generally check in once or twice a year for a general followup which can be 30 minutes if there are no pressing concerns, or 1 hour if you have a new issue that needs Auricular Medicine evaluation. At these appointments, we will reevaluate the cadence of blockage sprays you have already purchased. If you have new concerns that have arisen, we can take a closer look at where these symptoms are coming from. Most of the sprays you take will eventually reduce to being taken once a week which is both extremely cost effective and easy to keep up with. Sol Remedies makes sprays for just about any concern you can imagine including viruses of every kind.

We recommend you take your sprays according to the following schedule unless otherwise directed by Dr. Molly. We recommend writing the date you commence each spray somewhere on the bottle in order to keep track.

First two months: 1 spray in the mouth 3 times a day, spaced out by at least one hour

Month 3: 1 spray in the mouth 2 times daily, spaced out by at least one hour

Month 4: 1 spray in the mouth 1 time daily

Beyond Month 4 unless otherwise directed: 1 spray in the mouth one time per week

You can download a copy of the take home instructions here, and the sheet on how to remove your SAAT needles here

a woman wearing a face mask sitting in the waiting room of Annapolis Family Acupuncture reading a magazine

Have more questions? Want to see if Auricular Medicine is right for you?

Book a Free 15-minute Consultation with Dr. Molly by calling 667-204-2979 or emailing  info@annapolisfamilyacupuncture.com

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